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Fear Not!

by Rev. Kirby Williams

A heavenly messenger reveals why Jesus alone is the solution to fear of the Holy.

Text: Luke 2:8-12
Date: 05/02/2021, the Combined service.
Series: "Luke: Thy Kingdom Come" Part 17

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As we continue to unravel Luke's Nativity narrative, our focus turns from the humble birth of the Christ child to the announcement made by an angel to lowly shepherds abiding in nearby fields. The extraordinary comparisons of the Kingdom continue as the announcement comes not to the powerful in Rome, nor the pious in Jerusalem-- but to a despised and isolated group at the bottom of the social ladder. We will analyze this irony as well as the profound words the angel speaks to the shepherds when he tells them not to be afraid. After discussing the question, "Afraid of what?", we will discover the significance of this encounter in the unveiling of Gods Redemptive Purpose. In the end, we will recognize another beautiful presentation of the Gospel as the messenger from heaven reveals to us the Savior, King and Lord who alone can tell us to "fear not!"

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I. Introduction, Luke 2:11.
II. Exposition of the text, Luke 2:8-12.
A. Context
B. The Good News for shepherds.
1. The audience, vs. 8.
a. The location.
b. The shepherds.
i. Shepherds as a social class.
ii. The symbolic significance.
• Not the religious community.
• Representing those Jesus came to save, Luke 1:79, Isa. 9:2, Matt. 9:12-13, Luke 18:13.
c. The activity.
2. The visitation, vs. 9.
a. The angel of the Lord.
i. A messenger from God, Luke 9:10.
ii. Visualizing the scene.
b. The Shekinah.
i. A glorious Theophany.
ii. A spectacular appearance, 1Kings 8:10-11, Isa. 6:1,4, Ezek. 11:23.
iii. Emphasizing the witnesses to the glory, Luke 1:78-79.
c. The fear of the shepherds.
i. A natural fear, Luke 1:12, 29, 24:5.
ii. A holy fear, Isa. 6:5, Luke 5:8, Mark 9:6.
iii. A deeper fear, Matt. 10:28.
3. The announcement, vs. 10.
a. The fear of God is wise, Prov. 9:10.
i. A wise command.
ii. An impossible command.
b. The nature of the announcement.
i. A joyful announcement.
ii. A broadened focus, Matt. 15:24, John 4:22, Rev. 5:9.
4. The angel's Good News, vs. 11.
a. Heralding the divine birth.
i. The fullness of time, Luke 2:1, Gal. 4:4.
ii. The Savior who came "unto you".
iii. The covenantal connection.
b. Three glorious titles for a child in a manger.
i. Savior, Matt. 1:21, John 1:29.
ii. Christ, Dan. 7:14, Rev. 19:11-14, Phil 2:9-11.
iii. Lord, John 20:28.
5. The sign, vs. 12.
III. Application
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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