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God's Purposeful Storms

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Learning to navigate God's purposeful storms that lead to a deeper and more robust faith.

Text: Luke 8:22-25
Date: 11/06/2022, the Combined service.
Series: "Luke: Thy Kingdom Come" Part 81

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Some time after the teaching of the parable of the Sower, Jesus and His disciples get into a boat to go to the "other side". During the voyage a "perfect storm" arises that despite the best efforts of the disciples, threatens to sink the little boat. In desperation they wake the sleeping Jesus who rebukes the wind and the waves and returns the lake to a perfect calm. After explaining the physical nature of the storm, we will explore the profound figurative meaning of the text. Leaving the stunning revelation of Christ's divinity until next week, our focus for this message will be on the disciples' faith (or lack thereof!); and how Jesus used the adversity of the storm to bolster their faith, thereby preparing them for the rigors that lay ahead. Through this example, we can better deal with the storms in our own lives and ministry-- learning even to be thankful when God's purposeful storms create in us a deeper and more robust faith.

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I. Introduction, Acts 16:31; Rom. 3:28, 10:9, 12:3; Heb. 11:6; Hab. 2:4; Eph. 2:8.
II. Exposition of the text, Luke 8:22-25.
A. Context
1. Focusing on the faith of discipleship.
2. Noticing the missionary theme in Luke, Luke 4:43, 8:1,5,8; Matt. 5:14; Acts 1:8.
B. The storm on the way to the other side.
1. Setting the scene, vs. 22.
a. Some vague details.
b. The destination.
i. The literal destination.
ii. The figurative destination.
c. On "hearing" the words of Christ, Luke 8:21, John 14:2.
2. The great storm, vs. 23.
a. The King sleeps, vs. 23a.
i. A "slice-of-life".
ii. Evidence of Christ's humanity, Heb. 4:15.
iii. Setting up the central lesson.
b. The storm arrives, vs. 23b.
i. From a physical perspective.
1) The words Luke uses for "windstorm".
2) The fear of the fishermen.
3) Ready to sink.
ii. The figurative perspective.
1) The deeper meaning of the boat.
2) The deeper meaning of the sea.
3) The deeper meaning of the storm.
3. The cry of the disciples, vs. 24a.
a. Comparing the Synoptics, Matt. 8:25, Mark 4:38.
b. A desperate situation.
4. Jesus rebukes the storm, vs. 24b.
a. The nature of the rebuke.
b. An immediate calm, Mark 4:39; Phil. 4:7.
5. Jesus rebukes the disciples, vs. 25a, Jer. 32:27.
III. Application
A. The "unsinkable boat".
1. The church as a whole will never sink, Matt. 16:18, Eph. 2:19-21.
2. Our Church will accomplish its purpose.
3. Christians are immortal until God is through with us, Eph. 2:22.
B. An exercise in faith.
1. Storms with a purpose.
a. The object of the exercise.
b. Purposeful adversity.
c. A personal illustration.
2. Discipleship is hard.
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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