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The Honor in Outrageous Adoration

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Honoring Jesus through outrageously extravagant gestures of adoration.

Text: John 12:1-8
Date: 09/02/2018, the Contemporary service.
Series: "John: Encountering Love" Part 103

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Six days before the Passover celebration, Jesus returns to Bethany for a dinner given in His honor. Mary, who is at the feast along with Martha and Lazarus, honors Jesus with an outrageously extravagant gesture of adoration: she pours a fabulously expensive ointment made of pure nard on His head and feet. We will analyze the motive, the action and the symbolism of this heartfelt offering, and how sharply it is contrasted with the hypocritical objection of Judas Iscariot. As we put this passage in its context both in John and in harmony with the other Gospels, we will notice the many ways Jesus is both honored and dishonored by those around Him, and the primacy of Mary's extravagant, sacrificial and loving gesture. Ultimately, we will search for our own ways to express our love and thankfulness to Christ and thereby honor Him with outrageous adoration.

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, John 12:1-8.
A. Context
B. Mary's gesture of honor and adoration.
1. Setting the scene, vs. 1.
a. Establishing the timeline, vs. 1a.
i. Counting days.
ii. Finding harmony in the Gospels.
b. Return to Bethany, vs. 1b.
2. A dinner to honor Jesus, vs. 2.
a. The "who" and the "where" of the dinner, Matt. 26:6.
b. Forming a mental image.
3. The language of adoration, vs. 3.
a. The pungent unguent.
b. Anointing the Lord.
i. Exalting Jesus as Lord of all!
• As her King, 1Sam. 16:12-13.
• As her High Priest, Psa. 133:2.
• As her Prophet, 1Kings 19:16.
ii. Humbling herself as a servant, John 3:30.
c. Outside the boundaries of propriety.
d. The pungent lesson, Matt. 26:13.
4. The language of disdain, vs. 4-6.
a. Noticing the contrasts, vs. 4.
i. Pointing out the betrayer.
ii. A new depth of evil.
iii. The sharpest contrast.
iv. An intended connection.
b. Judas' objection, vs. 5.
c. Judas revealed, vs. 6, Matt. 26:8.
i. The epitome of hypocrisy, John 6:70-71.
ii. A thief at heart.
iii. Insight into Judas' character.
5. Jesus' enigmatic response, vs. 7.
a. Unraveling the translation, Mark 14:3, Matt. 26:12.
b. A bodily anointing.
c. Insight into the reason for the gesture.
i. Mary uses her mind.
ii. Mary follows her heart.
6. A surprising statement about the poor, vs. 8.
a. A mandate for the church, Prov. 14:31, 29:7, Psa. 41:1.
b. The primacy of adoration.
III. Application
A. Dishonoring Jesus.
1. Dishonor through following false teaching.
2. Dishonor through unbelief.
3. Dishonor through abuse of privilege.
4. Dishonor in hypocrisy.
B. Honoring Jesus.
1. Honor through belief.
2. Honor through hospitality.
3. Honor through discipleship.
4. Honor through a living testimony.
5. Honor through service.
6. Honor through outrageous adoration.
IV. Conclusion, Rom. 12:10.

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams
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