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Filled With Kingdom Joy

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Unraveling the enigma of Kingdom Joy.

Text: John 4:21-26
Date: 12/16/2018, the Traditional service.
Series: "John: Encountering Love" Part 115
Occasion: Advent

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As our Advent series based on John's Gospel continues, we turn our attention in this message to the enigma of Kingdom Joy. After defining what true Kingdom Joy is, we will explore the many ways John illustrates that joy in his first twelve chapters. We will find there is a pattern or a sequence to Kingdom joy-- an emptiness is filled by Christ, resulting in an overflow that glorifies God and leads to belief and exuberant worship. We will trace John's handling of Kingdom Joy through the covenants and discover that Jesus is the very fulfillment of joy and when believers are filled with Him their joy is complete. Finally, we will explore some of the "joy-blockers" that plague the church and keep many if not most Christians from realizing they are all ready filled with the essence of Kingdom Joy.

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I. Introduction
II. The enigma of Kingdom Joy.
A. Context
B. Unraveling Kingdom Joy.
1. Defining Kingdom Joy.
a. General descriptions.
i. Kingdom joy is Christ-centered.
ii. Kingdom joy is eschatological.
iii. Kingdom joy differs from "happiness".
iv. Kingdom joy cannot be manufactured.
b. The sequence of Kingdom joy.
i. The joy of completeness.
• The joy of being filled.
• The joy of being fulfilled.
ii. The joy of exuberant worship, Luke 2:14.
2. John's examples of the sequence of Kingdom joy.
a. Physical "filling".
i. The wedding at Cana, John 2:10-11.
ii. The feeding of the five thousand, John 6:14.
b. Filling through healing.
i. The invalid at the pool of Bethesda.
ii. The man born blind, John 9:38.
c. Spiritual "filling".
i. The Samaritan woman at the well, John 4:14, 41.
ii. Lazarus in the tomb, John 11:45.
C. An Eschatological and Covenantal joy.
1. The joy of covenantal redemption.
2. The completion of joy.
a. The joy of John the Baptist, John 1:6-8, 3:28-30.
b. The joy of the Kingdom.
i. Joy that is focused inward, John 15:10-12.
ii. Joy that is focused outward, John 4:35-36.
III. Application
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams
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