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In Mansions of Splendor

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Jesus' assurance that the Bridegroom will return for His bride!

Text: John 14:2-3
Date: 03/31/2019, the Traditional service.
Series: "John: Encountering Love" Part 129

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After revealing to His disciples how to quieten their troubled hearts through faith, Jesus continues to comfort them concerning his imminent departure. Once again He asks them to believe-- but this time, to believe He will return and that His departure will ultimately be for their benefit. In some of the most beautiful and comforting words in Scripture, Jesus assures them (and through them us!) that He will prepare a place in His Father's house for them and return to receive them to Himself. We will analyze this timeless promise and draw a comparison between it and the biblical imagery of the marriage of Christ to His church. We will take comfort in the realization that Jesus has a plan and a future for those He knows and loves-- to prepare them for the place where they will spend eternity-- with Him in mansions of splendor!

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, John 14:2-3.
A. Context
B. Revealing mansions of splendor.
1. Preparing a place, vs. 2.
a. The Father's house.
i. The meaning of "house", Isa. 63:15.
• The Father's house and the Temple, John 2:16-17.
• Where the Father can be found, Rev. 21:22.
• Where the Son can be found, Luke 2:49.
• Where God's people can be found.
ii. Visualizing the "rooms".
• Learning from the verb form of "rooms", John 14:10, 15:4, 6:56.
• The noun: an intimate dwelling place.
• A permanent dwelling place.
iii. A dwelling with plenty of room, Gen. 15:5, Gal. 3:7, Rev. 7:9-10.
b. Driving the point home, vs. 2b.
i. A slightly different translation.
ii. A logical argument.
c. The benefit of Jesus' departure: to prepare a place, vs. 2c.
i. The nature of the place.
• Heaven is a place.
• A pre-existing place, Matt. 25:34.
• An indescribable place of indescribable glory, 1Cor. 2:9.
ii. The nature of the preparations.
• The preparation of the Cross.
• The preparation in heaven, John 17:24, Rom. 9:23.
1) A place in glory, John 17:24, Rom. 9:23.
2) A place in the family of God (adopted).
3) A place uniquely prepared and suited for each.
4) A place at the King's table.
2. The promise of an assured return, vs. 3a.
a. Using logic to express surety, John 13:31-32.
b. The promised return.
i. The eschatological return, Acts 1:9-11.
ii. The surety of the return.
iii. The nature of the return, 1Cor. 15:55,57.
3. United at last, vs. 3b.
a. Received by Christ.
i. The meaning of "take".
• Exploring the meaning, Matt. 17:1, John 1:11.
• Exploring the tense.
ii. More than a place, Rev. 21:23.
b. Together in the same place, Rev. 21:4, 1Cor. 13:12.
C. Interpretation
1. The analogy of a bridegroom and his bride, Gen. 2:23-24, 24:67, Rev. 21:2.
2. Summarizing the text.
III. Application
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams
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